Worshiping Jesus Christ Through
God’s Word
Build and organize God's Kingdom on Earth through faith, compassion, and love.
Grow closer to Christ through the Holy Spirit; as individuals, families, and communities
Bring others to Christ; helping everyone find a branch of Christ’s Church in the spirit of ubuntu
Worshiping Jesus through the Sacraments, Outreach, Kabbalah, & Jubilee
"My Church are all they that repenteth and cometh unto me; and this is my doctrine."
—Doctrines of the Saints 125:10
The Body of Christ
All members, Home Branches, Synagogues, Congregations, Stakes, and other bodies of membership and lay clergy have accepted and adopted the following Statement of Fundamental Truths.
For the purpose of establishing and maintaining a home for the Saints to worship God; to provide for Christian fellowship for those of like faith, irrespective of social position or worldly possessions.
"God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."
—1 Corinthians 1:9
God's Word to the Latter Day Saints
Fellowship of Christ
“Is the Fellowship of Christ a church? a religious movement? an idea? or is it something else all together? Behold, O man, the will of your God: The Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship is all these and more, for it is the very Kingdom of God.”
Together in Sisterhood
“Listen Israel to the voice of the Lord: …I command My daughters to amplify their voices, together in Sisterhood, and uplift and enrich one another so that balance between My sons and daughters can be found on the earth once again.”
Come Ye Israel
“Who is the House of Israel? Who are my Covenant Peoples? And behold, I say unto thee that theses are the people of Israel: these are those of Yashar-El, the path Straight to God, these are those that shall seek my face, and turn not from me.”
All as One
“I say give unto others as I have given you: Return generosity for generosity, patience for patience, forgiveness for forgiveness, kindness for kindness. Be longsuffering in enduring persecution, even unto the end, remaining in loyalty and love.”